Canadian National Frog Jumping Championships!
• Participants are allowed a maximum of three frog registrations.
• Participants must register their frogs prior to the event, assigning them a name and a jockey. Participant can jockey his own frog !
• Frog jumping competitions will begin at the stated times and will be announced throughout the competition.
• Participants are allowed a maximum of three frog registrations.
• Participants must register their frogs prior to the event, assigning them a name and a jockey. Participant can jockey his own frog !
• Frog jumping competitions will begin at the stated times and will be announced throughout the competition.
Rules of the game
It's very simple! Gently release your frog on the frog-jumping carpet. We will measure the distance from the starting point to the landing point of the frog's first three hops. The frog that jumps the furthest wins!
*On stage referee has final say on the length and count of the jumps.
*On stage referee has final say on the length and count of the jumps.
Qualifying Rounds
Registration on Saturday July 13th 2019
- 8 & under : $5.00 per frog
- 17 & under : $5.00 per frog
- Adults : $5.00 per frog
- Businesses & VIP : minimum donation of $5.00
Qualifying Rounds
Registration on Saturday July 13th 2019
- noon - Children's Registration
- 1:30 pm - Adult Registration
8 & under :
17 & under :
Adult :
** Top two participants from every age group qualify for the Canadian National Frog Jumping Championships
Children's Frog Jumping *
Adult's Frog Jumping *
* times may vary depending on number of registrations.